Place where the Sky and Water Fall
The decision about coming back to Glencoe was just a matter of time. It’s a place with breathtaking scenery. Whatever the weather is, it always looks stunning. Frankly speaking, the worse the weather is, the better it looks. The second thing that brought me back here was a small disappointment with my last visit to Glencoe. There was no snow at all. I know it was in May so I wasn’t supposed to expect any, but I was mad anyway. Ok, maybe I should say upset. However, I was really mad that the Famous Etive Mor Waterfall was… hm, not there anymore. Level of water in the River Coupall was so low at that time, that I started to think about bringing few buckets of water. It’s just kinda hard to take a picture of the waterfall when no water is falling. Don’t have to tell me about it. Anyway, every cloud has a silver lining. At the end of the day, I took it as an advantage. It allowed me to have a quite unique picture. Although I must say I felt somewhat dissatisfied. Which means there was no other choice than come back and do what’s necessary. Take picture of that goddamn waterfall!
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