The Best Castle to Visit In Scotland
The beginning of 2018 brought me a couple of really great news regarding my photography. After several months of preparations, editing, and printing process it’s finally available – The Official Guide Book to Dunnotar Castle. That’s a beautiful album-edition with extraordinarily high-quality prints. It’ll help you to explore the entire castle and not miss anything while you’re there. You will find lots of interesting facts there and it’ll bring you closer to the most important historical events that took place at Dunnottar of the time since 1297.
For me, another great thing about that Guide is that you can find there one of the photographs I took during my previous visit to the Castle. That picture and some others from that place are on my blog as well: STUNNING SCOTTISH LANDSCAPE IN FIVE FRAMES. Knowing that TripAdvisor has named Dunnottar Castle the second-best Castle to visit in Scotland I’m pretty sure I don’t have to encourage anyone to go there.
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